Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad

"The Milwaukee Road"


Wreck derrick X-12 rests in the yard at St. Maries, Idaho:


E9A #36A on display at Deer Lodge, Montana:


Little Joe Class EF4 #E70 at rest, Deer Lodge, Montana:


Change Creek tumbles down below Bridge FF-112, of the famous steel
viaducts on the west slope of Snoqualmie Pass, Washington:



Below, I have scanned a few of my slides.

One lucky day when I was in Seattle- Winter of 1988, "Hiawatha"
SD40-2 #192 is just arriving as part of a BN grainer:


This was the furthest west still active signal after shutdown was completed.
I was standing in front of the Miles City, Montana, passenger station,
looking into a very sad sunset. No more trains, forever:


With just one more day remaining, GP40 #2014 has been working
the old yard at Cedar Falls, Washington, gathering up equipment to ship east:


U25B #5052 is a work extra today, picking up scrap on the west side of
Snoqualmie Pass. First they pause at the Cedar Falls depot for a lineup:


Only two more days remain until the 1980 embargo. It is lousy weather,
fitting the tragic mood. This is Bellingham, Washington. SW1200 #614
has just tied up after completing her chores. Dark, foggy, drizzling & at
times heavy rains. I have been awaiting an Extra East (so-called as a
Train 904) pulled by two SDL39 engines. Unfortunately, BN has them
choked off at Everett & they'll not be here until after dark:


Oops! GP30 #1013 leads the front half of her train into
the yard at Cedar Falls, Washington. The back half of her train
is sitting up near Ragnar, behind a car on the ground. They will
drop their cars in the yard, run to the freight house of the depot
for rerailing supplies and head back east to the derailment.

A side note here. I have heard and read people referencing this
as "Train 201". At least out on Lines West, all timetable train
numberings had been dropped years beforehand. On paper, somewhere,
someone might have been using "201C..." For those moving trains,
they were all extras east or west. All radio chatter that day was
directed to and from, as were their train ("Extra 1013 West") orders,
"Extra Ten Thirteen West". Quite obviously, I was actually there:


A dreary 1980 winter morning, fitting for the mood of the West End,
GP35 #1502 leads a caboose hop Train #947 through North Bend, Washington:


A chilly 1980 winter morning, slugging away at Tacoma Hill,
a shiny and well known F7A #81A is nearing Hillsdale, Washington:


U36C #5802 rests near the roundhouse at Tacoma, Washington.
It's a fuzzy view, as morning fog was very dense this morning:


U36C #5802 is Extra West entering Cedar Falls, Washington.
I was quite surprised by the track speed, as this train raced past me!:


A switcher sandwich! Shoving one cut and pulling another,
600hp has climbed up the hill out of the Weyerhaeuser Mill at
Snoqualmie Falls, Washington. She was working hard, to make this grade!
SW1 #878 was on long term lease to Weyerhaeuser until post-embargo:


Just after New Years of 1980, a large snow storm impacted the Pacific Northwest.
Not quite the last the Milwaukee Road would endure, but perhaps the worst of
those final two months. Although it might appear there is not much snow on the
ground, in fact the winds were whipping flakes away as fast as they fell. Just
down the road behind me, there were drifts four & five feet high.

This is Cedar Falls, Washington on that nasty day, conditions nearing white-out:



Images below are scans from a few of my photos. That old camera was better than nothing!

Just after the first Embargo was ended, early evening finds this Extra East
with a leading GP35, two GP40's, an SD10 and a last GP40, just past Renslow, Washington:


Fall of 1979 and the first Embargo has just ended. Extra East GP9 #298
is entering the Cedar Falls, Washington yard with Train #946:


Late summer of 1979, in between her duties as the "Valley Owl",
GP9 #289 is tied up behind the Kent, Washington depot:


About one month before the first Embargo, SW 1200 #614 is switching in the
Tacoma (Washington) Municipal Belt Line log yard. Photo into the morning sun:



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