I have quite a number of spare train orders available for sale. Some dating back as far as the 1870's.
They are offered from many issuing locations along many railroads, with more added frequently.
Please keep checking back, as I may locate additional examples. There are many boxes in my
storage and I do on occasion acquire small collections, which may include additional spares.
For The Panic Stricken, & Those Sheep So Easy To Stampede:
These are an obsolete style of communication. Despite any foolishness you might have heard,
there is no national security risk! Almost all of those railroads listed here no longer operate in
this fashion. The vast majority ceased using these 25 years and even many more decades ago.
Nothing can be learned from these items, which an average citizen does not already see, while
waiting impatiently at a road crossing for any train to pass.
In fact, most of these companies I offer no longer exist, but are long, long gone....
Many already totally forgotten, or even unknown to so-called or self-anointed "historians."
(Railroad "historians". Now there's a laugh.)
Condition of these items will be many, and varied. Whether a blank example,
an issued single copy, operator annulment, loose issued clearance card, a partial
or complete set. A filled in copy may be a like new office file. Or it may have
been carried by a train crew. If the latter, it would likely show the wear of use.
Possible wrinkles, folded corners, spindle hole, some soil or notes on back, etc.
I will upon request scan an example or two for any prospective buyer.
Due to bad experiences, (no back door freebies!), scans will be watermarked.
Below is a list of those companies from which spares are available for sale.
(Or possibly a trade?) Just click on the company name of interest.
Note: A company name NOT listed indicates I've sold or traded all spare examples.
No claim is made as to those historic documents or any other items displayed here which are not originally my own.
Such other items are public domain, or used with permission.